
Artist Statement

For me, the careful observation requisite to artmaking acts as a conduit to the larger environment. Such intense examination deepens my appreciation of nature’s exquisite designs. My work is a record of explorations of morphological structures, ecological webs and the cycles that amalgamate the organic and inorganic, the visible and invisible.

Artist Bio

Victoria Woshner is an artist living and working in Lubec, Maine, having obtained her degree in Studio Arts from the University of Pittsburgh. Her previous education and vocation in wildlife ecology and veterinary sciences have taken her from studying bobcats in Mississippi to marine mammals in arctic Alaska. Her art is a lens through which she visualizes the intricacies of the biosphere, and is thematically centered on the natural environment and ecological relationships. Her works have been exhibited at the University Art Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, and at the Christine Frechard Gallery, Pittsburgh. She is a recipient of the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Studies Award and the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Award.